Rane Culinary Science Center


Hospitality Management, Culinary Science and Brewing Science Programs and Microbrewery:

Martin O’Neill, PhD
Professor and Nutrition, Dietetics and Hospitality Management
Department Head
Phone: 334-844-3264
Email: oneilm1@auburn.edu

The Laurel Hotel & Spa, 1856 – A Teaching Restaurant, Hey Day Market, Coffee Roastery & Café, and all private events:

Hans van der Reijden
Founder & CEO
Ithaka Hospitality Partners, LLC
Phone: 334-703-9354
Email: hans@ithakahp.com

Giving and Philanthropic Naming Opportunities:

Michelle McBride
Director of Development
Phone: 334-844-2948
Email: michelle.mcbride@auburn.edu

Kim McCurdy
Development Officer
Phone: 334-844-9173
Email: kim.mccurdy@auburn.edu

Sponsorship Information and Requests:

Missty Kennedy
Director, Procurement and Business Services
Phone: 334-844-7771
Email: kennem1@auburn.edu